Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hugh Grant is my 'somethings'

That's just it really. I have absolutely nothing to look forward to. 'Nothing' in a sense of 'something that can cheer me up'. You always need these 'somethings'. It's the only way anybody can ever be happy or content, at least. An ingrate I am but really, aren't we all? Ingrates?

Okay, that's rather off topic here. Back to my need of a 'something' to look forward to.

Why? Because there's too much important academic things to bother with and not a speck of pleasurable 'somethings' to distract myself for the 'in betweens'. These 'in betweens' are important so that I don't get stuck in a rut and take to writing 50 poems daily and wallow in my shallow misery brought forth by my self concocted boilings of boredom and stress.

I'm a piece of work. I've this irrepressible need to inject significance into my all too dull life by working up these wild notions of how humanity is in a decrepit state and that by writing soppy rhymes (I dare not call them poems) I'm able to somehow soothe my so called 'tortured' soul. I just like the idea. Isn't it romantic? We're all hypocrites anyway. It shouldn't matter too much.

So, I invented one, a 'something' for me to indulge in. That is, Hugh Grant. This is random and all but yeah. I've taken to watching his movies and is currently spectacularly smitten by him. Crow's feet and all, I think he's beautiful that way. I adore his dry wit. And his accent! He can utter such unpeakables and make them sound absolutely endearing. "A cynical, self loathing cad, an anti-movie star." That's what the media describes him as. *smiles*

It's funny that I keep falling for half-century old actors like Keanu and Hugh. Haha, I don't know what to say. I think I should stop here. Any further and this will turn into a gushing fest. Aye, it would. I'd write about how they're 'tortured souls' with a mask for the media when they actually do, care for the 'suffering humanity'.

Hahahaha....ahhh, I'm such a pariah.

And before I forget:

Do visit. Me and an acquaintance of mine, mai mai , we're collaborating on this project thing. We wish to compile short stories and, my uh, rhymes. What for? I scarcely know myself. Ask mai, it's her idea. I'm just delighted to have something to do. Haha.

From now on, I'll be posting my, well, pieces there. I'm rubbish really but it'll kill me if I don't write anything.

P.S: Jeez every single syllable of this post is saucy. *sigh*


i am mai said...

saucy = geli.ew............
what's with the 'suffering humanity'?
ececece.... 50 poems DAILY... sudahla jangan exaggerate

boxOFjuice said...

la la la la. 5 jer. Aku exaggerate of course. Mane bley tulis tanpa henti mcm tu, aku akan hilang.

The 'suffering humanity' aku quote dr one of Hugh's friend, who secribed Hugh. Heh. Serious die comel. Aku sayang die seh.

NO NAME said...

HUGH GRANT !!!*screaminggg
ahaa he isssssss a super intelligentt brilliant genius man though! one of a kind >__<

boxOFjuice said...

Oh, L! > . < *malu....*

But yeah!! Hugh Grant...SAYA PUNYA :P He's brilliant ain't he?

Anonymous said...

hugh grant is perfect fodder for day dreams of romance and suffering creative souls. he's on twitter, the real hugh grant. i'm proud to say i've been tweeted more than once.

boxOFjuice said...

Oh, hello stranger!

He's on twitter! o.O Wow. Never knew that. THANKS. *goes and find Hugh's Twitter*

And that's beautiful. What you said bout Hugh being a perfect fodder for day dreams of romance and creative souls. :)