Thursday, December 10, 2009

Fake Fish

The LUDOVICIAN: A Conceptual Shark.

For the first time in my life, I finished reading a spectacularly awesome book and is currently absolutely PISSED the hell out of my mind. Like AGHHHHHHHHHH. What the eff is that book all about? Freaking FAKE fish if you ask me.
Yeah. F A K E F I S H.

Well, not exactly. Still, it gets to me that I haven't figured the damned book out. I feel like tossing it on the stove and set it on fire. Like yeah, I'm pissed.

I was already befuddled by the ending and stuff and then...:

Apparently, there're UN-chapters. NEGATIVES. It's the Rorschach tests thing. Heck, the title itself is a play on it. I'll explain:


Epicly frustrating, richly imaginative, absurdly original, you, Steven Hall, wrote a book I wish I wrote. F**k you.

P.S: I shall hunt for those UNchapters. RAWRRR.

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