Thursday, December 24, 2009


10 days to go. Then it's up in the front lines. For me, that is. Meh.

Anyway, I think I've done enough stuff during this holiday. I shall use the term 'holiday', 'sem break' is just so...un-holiday sounding. 'Holiday' sounds festive! and fun! and longer. Uh, anyway, I manged to read 5 of the 10 books I recently bought. That's decent I suppose.

I miss my dslr. It's still in low yatt getting patched up by the nice shop keeper. It's a pity really or I could've got cool shots of the cosplayers attending Comic Fiesta 2009 last Sunday. And that 'smiley' moon I saw Monday night. *sigh*

Oh yes, my maid's going home this Sunday. My little brother's been randomly started crying for no good reason lately. Yeah, to a 9 year old who spends almost every second of the day (except when he's in school) with the's probably devastating. Heck, apocalyptic I bet.

I do my best to cheer him up. Which usually involves a sharp comment that goes "Stop crying, princess" or whatever that makes fun of his masculinity ( I'm evil, I'm sorry), slap on the back or a ruffle of his hair, a stupid joke or whatever that works that'll make him smile or laugh a little. Then again when that don't work I'll go for the 'talk'. You know, stuff like "Try put yourself in her shoes, you'd want to go home after 5 years being away, too won't you?" etc.

I don't know. What do nice and kind and good sisters do in these sort of situation anyway. Bake cookies and buy candy? Well I did bought him a Sin Chan toy from A&W and told my lil bro they look exactly alike...

Me: Kalau Adi jadik Sin Chan betul2. Nanti name adi, Sin Di!
Ain: ...a'ah, cam Cindy Crawford.
Me: ...
Adi: ...

Egh, Ain's funny that way haha.

Yeah well, that's that. I'll just continue living my life and make the most of the 10 days I've left to liberate my mind of academic, life-changing, future-depending worries I'm going to need to face later.

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