Monday, December 21, 2009


Immensely EPIC

The movie that has been pondered for 14 years and costed about half a billion dollars is...I simply can't find a more fitting word than EPIC. Yes, yes I throw that word around a lot but really, this movie is, simply EPIC (if EPIC is EVER simple. The irony of it pleases me :P). Finally, a movie that didn't come from a book. So lush, sleek, and utterly seamless, James Cameron has sealed his name in the books of history. I would go as far as describing the movie as exquisite.

There's one thing that bothers me though. Which is that, there probably shall be people out there in this world who would not, COULD not, appreciate the nuances of this movie. God, it's making me bristle just thinking about this.

AVATAR is a feat of imagination. I can discuss the movie at length but I wouldn't. Actually, I REALLY want to write a review but I fear that I might not do it justice. So I shall resist.

Such a movie is not to be told, it is to be experienced.

If you havent watched it, well, what are you waiting for? The world of Pandora awaits you.

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