Friday, June 19, 2009

Reaching For Myself

Look, I'm not disturbed or upset or anything. My muse is simply dark & uh, emo (dang I hate that word). This popped in my head and demanded itself out. So, here I am. If you must know, I was actually thinking of House & Wilson's "stupid & screwed up friendship" when this...thing (Nothing I write is worthy to be called a 'poem'. They're just a bunch of rhymes.) sneaked into my mind.

"stupid & screwed up friendship" <--- This is quoted from Wilson himself.

That page kinda compiles interesting quotes/dialouge snippets between House & Wilson throughout the show. Very interesting to read indeed. At least I think so. Yes, yes. I admit it. I'm suffering from HOUSE withdrawal. Sue me.

Oh yeah for those of you who don't know what a muse is. It is a source of inspiration :) If it's just trash anyway, I'd like this post to be educational at least.


Never would I've jumped,

Into the abyss of unknown,

Had you not sound saddened,

Through the cell phone.

Never would I've risked,

Everything I hold dear,

Had you not whispered,

The nightmares you fear.

Never would I've known,

What it's like to care,

Had you not shown me,

The pain that you bear.

Never would I've thought,

To find what I've sought,

Had you not seen through,

The iron mask I've wrought.

My solace, my salvation, my damnation,

The abyss of unknown that is you,

Never would I've thought,

I'd find my true self, in you.


Dirah said...

ish ish ish. kak dirah perlu balik untuk menyelamatkan yana ni. apsal semua ermmm, poem yana sangat dark. don't worry i'll rescue you in 2 months time. wait for me! =P

p/s: i LOVE house! =)

boxOFjuice said...

yayyy kak drah pun ske HOUSE. haha yana tak perlu diselamatkan tapi kak drah balik je la hoho. :D Yana x reti tulis rhymes yg 'bahagia' haha. Srsly tulis mende emo lg sng.