Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Do me the honours, will you?

The interview results are in today. I'm declined. Need I bold that? Sure, here: DECLINED.

Dr. Brunton wrote us a letter of decline. Read mine. Clearly he wrote these letters of decline personally for each of us. He touched upon my essays again. In the end, that's all I'm good for. Writing frickin' essays. Jeez.

At any rate, it is expected.

What now? :D I don't know.

Not that I don't have an inkling. It's something along the lines of changing to Pharmacy and still go to NZ, or stick with dentistry which lands me with either India or if I'm lucky, there's a possibility of UM. Then...there's always UiTM I suppose.

All these assumptions are based on some seniors' experience. I'll just have to wait for JPA to reply my e-mail to get a clearer picture.

In essence, I've successfully screwed myself over, completely so. I'm not sore, or even sad for the matter. I just hate myself hah. Given the opportunity, I'd like to crawl into a hole and die.

Nah, I'm fine. If you know what F.I.N.E really stands for that is.


Accumulated from my past,
Forming upon my wrists and ankles,
Clanking with every tremor,
They chain me to my corner.

Cold, heavy and eternal,
They serve as a remembrance,
Reflected on their surfaces,
My life, fallen to ashes.

My eyes drew over them a veil,
As I ponder my next step,
But the sensation always prevail,
Of burning, metallic shame.

Lest I slip and fall yet again,
They cry to me in vain,
Clattering ever so louder,
My shackles of failure.

P.S: Dear friend, hang in there. I still believe you can make it. Circumstances can still change for pharmacy students!


Maya Arielle said...

I dunno how to put this into words as I am pretty much a sucker when it comes to giving words of consolation n whatnots, but

Dear Leana,
Miracles happen. It may not be at this exact moment, but it's not impossible. Hold on to your dream, Insya-Allah you will make it.

I'm sorry if this is too tacky though. But I believe in you :D Not that it's really helping but yeah, I hope somehow it will. :)

boxOFjuice said...

Naww, thanks :) And congratulations btw! I'm happy that you and Linda made it.

Arif said...

whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger

boxOFjuice said...

Abang...*malu* um, thanks. *lari* :(

Anonymous said...

Setbacks are good.. makes you more matured and more prepared for the 'realities of life..' Now, get your bearings... then work towards it... which definitely entails extra effort & sacrifices... Of course it feels disappointing but it is ok. You will get over it eventually. Anyway, we can go for holidays to NZ :) Dont need to study there.. If Msia pun, is fine.. :) But you know you need to study harder, it'll make you feel better...

Ammar Hakim said...

alah yana, u'll do fine wherever you go! you're soooo smart like crazy. hehe. goodluck k :D