Thursday, March 4, 2010

Beautiful Creatures

Yeah yeah, the girl's cute but I'm talking bout the horsey, the butt at the back :P

So here! To resurrect my passion for Horse Riding officially I hereby wrote this post. The pics of the horses, I stole from those blogs I found hehe :) I don't know those people.

Okay, I'm like SUPER excited. HAHAHAH. Why? BECAUSE, I found out that a LOT of people blogged bout UPM's Equine Centre (Pusat Ekuin UPM)! With lots of lovely pictures too~ Oh you have NO idea how awesome I feel. These people blogged bout their riding lessons and the UPM horses they rode.

THE horses that I and my family with Sergeant Major Hamzah and Quzair Ambak (Brother of Qabil Ambak!) from the PDRM hand-picked in Australia! YEAH. We went as representatives of UPM to Australia to buy 9 horses:

1. Andrew.

He's the biggest of the 9. A chestnut gelding with a blaze. I don't remember his leg markings.

2. Hobo.

He's the second biggest. Another chestnut, he looks a lot like Andrew. A gelding with a very nice disposition albeit a little bit lazy haha. He has the most uncomfortable trot out of the 9 :P

3. Paint.

Photo shoot with a bride!

Oh, PAINT. He once was my soul, the LOVE of my life. After Bonito (R.I.P T . T) and Charlie (I've no idea where he is now, maybe he's dead too. T . T).

We found Paint, (His real name is Charlie actually. No, not the Charlie that I mentioned above, that;s another horse named Charlie too. Anyway, when he got to UPM somehow he got renamed Paint *shurgs* I remember how I REALLY wanted to call him Firefly though :P) at this small ranch ran by these rough looking cowboy like dudes. Paint is a year older than Hobo, he's 15 now. He was 8 when we got him.

Paint is the smallest of the 8 albeit the one who's the most promising in Dressage cuz he tends to bend his neck in a nice curve if you ride him properly :) Yeap. I wonder if he still does that nowadays.

I entered my FIRST and ONLY Dressage competition on him. Man, we had PROMISE. We were positively GOLDEN I'd say. We practiced a lot and then...on the day of the competition, Paint freaked out at the sight of the umbrella the judges sat under. He was spooked by the sudden noise of the racehorses too (it was in STF - Selangor Turf Club. The race track was right beside the paddock we were in). *sigh* Oh well. At least my big bro won 2nd place on Hobo ;)

4. Jade.

A beautiful grey mare with a pink nose. She was the last addition among the 9. We didn't pick her. We only bought 7 and Jade was the last add up picked by Chris Chugg.

5. Attetion.

A bay gelding. He was only 4 when we bought him. I'm sorry to say that he's dead now. He died of colic :( My brother LOVES Attention. He practiced jumping and some tricks with Attention too. Poor Attention. Wish I can put up pics of Attention with my bro. He has lots :)

6. Bull's Eye.

A black gelding the same age as Attention (4 when we bought him). He & Attention were best buddies! Haha. Used to let him and Attention loose in the paddock and they'd run around kicking and stuff like little colts. *sigh*

We got both Attention & Bull's Eye from Mr. Chris Chugg. Did I mention that Chris is an olympic gold medalist for Show Jumping? Well, yeah he is.

7. Mrs. Zed

A chestnut mare with one of the lightest albeit a little too fast trot. :) She's talented in jumping this girl. Kinda high strung, but it suits her since she's good for jumping. I didn't get to see Mrs. Zed last Sunday. I'm not sure if she's alive or not!

8. Bucky.

MAN. I dunno. I didn't get to see Bucky EITHER last Sunday. I'm not sure if he's alive or not TOO!

This guy, is a beautiful one. He's cream with brown mane & tail and a star on his forehead. Don;t be deceived though, he's the NASTIEST of the 9. He bites and kicks hahaha. He's cute really but yeah, he BITES. Beware.

9. Hunter.

A dappled grey. He's good for jumping too, same size as Hobo. Pretty big guy. I've only rode him once I think. I used to ride Paint a lot. Sometimes Hobo & Jade. Know what? Last Sunday I saw two white-grey horses. One I recognized as Jade but the other I didn't. Turned out it was HUNTER. Being a dappled grey, he turns white as he ages. He's as white as jade NOW! SHOCKING. He looked a lot cooler when he was dappled grey :P and i mean it.

I just found out like a sec ago cuz I found this pic of Hunter:

Okay I ought to stop now. I could go on bout the other Arabian horses UPM got from Tun Dr. Mahathir :) and some other tenant's horse HAha. Right, I don't think I ought to describe ALL the horses. It'll turn into a BOOK haha.

How these beautiful creatures have CHANGED. You've NO idea dear reader. These animals whom I used to knew and talk to as if they were my dearest soulmates...some are gone aready. It's a pity but I'm glad that I got to know them :)

Blog list of where I stole the pics. Got some more there. How I ENJOY reading their posts! haha:

There's some more I think...but oh well.


prebetsabu said...

hi there...

horse riding at upm were some of our experience in life that we wont regret!

we learned a lot there!

thanks to all instructor that teach us from zero till we can trot n canter.

we were shocked to find out fromm awie that Attention died! i learn to trot with Attention, and i eat the sand with Attention when he suddenly threw me away from my saddle hahaha..

missed horse riding a lot!!! wish we could ride again... have to find a suitable time slot!

boxOFjuice said...

Yeah! I was really shocked to know that Attention died :( You don't ride anymore? Aww, hope you and your wife will get to ride again someday.

I've stopped horse riding for 3 years now. Just started again last Sunday. Ride Hobo! hehe :D

Ramesh said...

hey i had no idea you love horse riding. I am interestd in it but never had a chance. hopefully in future i can.. ;D

boxOFjuice said...

Haha Ramesh, I've been riding since I'm 11. Then stopped in Form 3 onwards cuz of PMR n SPM. Now only wanna start riding again~

Yeap2, dah jadik doctor nanti, dah kaya, bosan2 naiklah kuda! :D hehe.

prebetsabu said...

wahh just realized got my pic with Bucky..

yup he deos BITE!!!


Che Cha said...

Wahh jelessnye awak sure sangat pandai riding kan! hehe. sy juz pegi 10 lessons je, then stop coz exam n thesis. ni dono when nk cont riding kat ekuin tu coz nk ulang alik upm-usj penat gak. =D
nk blaja sampai pandai canter kalau bleh.

still,i jelesnye ngan u! hehehe .I like Hobo n paint the best. hehe Bull's eye ok gak =D pape pon, all the horsie sangat cute!

boxOFjuice said...

Eh takde lah! Dah LAMA gila tak naik. Like 4 tahun cemtu =.='

Canter sgt seronok! Cepat2 blajar! :D

Yeap2, kuda-kuda UPM sgt comeylll.