Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I've a math test next Monday. Naturally it puts me on edge. I haven't started studying, YET. Not really anyway. I want to and I have, a little. Just that I can't seem to focus properly. Egh.

I'm all muddled up.

That aside, I'm still writing. I'm quite determined this time. I suppose when your future seems to always hang by a thread its easier to focus on abstract things. Keeps your mind off of things. I'm prone to be anxious, writing helps.

Oh, Adi went to the pool today. Hahaha...he was supposed to start swimming classes tomorrow or something. That is, before today when he went swimming (not a class just regular swimming) and discovered that he turned a shade darker and totally freaked out.

Adi: Adi hitam ke?! Mama, adi tak nak swimming dah la!

Total princess ain't he? haha. He got real mad when I made fun of him a little. I won't anymore though ehe =.=' it's not good for his confidence. I've realised that. I should stop my sadistic ways, he's growing up now.

okay, HAHA. This happended a few secs ago.

Me: Betul ke adi tak nak swimming? Kak yana rase adi dah jadik putih balik.
Adi: Ye la adi swimming balik. Bile nak pergi?

See? Told you I'd stop being sadistic. Though it's a total lie that he's back to his normal skin tone after a few hours. Pffftt.

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