Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Worst, I am.

I like my space. No, I NEED my space. By this, I'm saying that I need a place in which I can be alone. And that means, my room. I feel like a complete bas*ard. Heck, I AM actually, for posting this up.

Cold? Yes, I am. Heartless? at times I wish I'm not. Distant? Definitely.

And I'd like to keep it that way. I have no interest whatsoever in...*sigh* I can't say that. I promised myself I will TRY my best to mingle more and with new people. Egh, whatever.

Point is, I'd like to keep my room to myself. Selfish? Sure. Hypocrite? Everybody is. The worst? I am. I'm sorry. Again. You know I'm talking to you.

Don't you?

I won't try and explain it, because I know you'd understand. Lie. Ok, ok, maybe you won't. But, I'm anti-social. It's a disease. Kill me.




Maya Arielle said...

i do understand actually.
and by 'understanding', i don't only mean ur blog.
because i - or should i say, my subconscious/my alter ego/the one i named Maya Arielle - can be exactly like what u've described about urself. i did. i still am. so i do get it. having people around can be overwhelming at times, rite?
and no, u r not the worst. as a self-confessed freak, i see that as normal. some people are social butterflies. others prefer to be on their own. sometimes people can be both, or with a variable degree of extroversion/introversion. and u are what u are. i won't blame u for that, ever, because i used to be blamed by people for being me and i don't want the same thing happening to others. alright, am i straying too far here? sorry. but i do get ur point. thanks for everything, i really mean it.
and as for me n my paranoia, i know i have to figure out something about that. running is not always the best option, it seems. so it's going to be either face it or die trying. i'll go with the former. 'sides, what harm could it do to me anyway, rite?

seriously i'm straying too far. should stop. this is what happens when i let Maya Arielle control me. good thiing though - i won't have problems meeting NaNoWriMo's 50 000 words target XD :P XP

thanks a lot again. to me, u are a very good friend. :)
-Maya writing as me-

i am mai said...

how interesting such a turn of events

boxOFjuice said...

Mai - 'interesting' ...kau memang. =_=

Maya - I love you :)

Aiman Toreq said...

some things cannot be shared...
i bet you gave that particular person early signs of you not liking company in your room...
people like these could be pretty annoying for not picking up these signs and symptoms...

boxOFjuice said...

Eh, Aiman no la. Not like thatttt. This is kinda comlicated =_=' It's definitely NOT what you think.

I'm not THAT freakishly selfish. I do have a room mate. Sort of. But she doesn't actually sleeps in our room, so I practically have it to myself.

My other 2 housemates who lives in the next room has uh, some issues. STuff happened. Tears, lonely nights, heart break and drama. Uh anyway, one of em' my dearest new acquaintance, (alice up there) wanna bunk with me instead. I said no. =_= Well not really, all I did was post this up cuz I'm a spineless chicken.

Let's just say what I did is kinda like...let's say there's a person who's about to jump off a bridge. He asked for help. So, I kinda reached out but then decided to spin him around, stab his back n push him off the bridge. :)

