Saturday, November 21, 2009

Roti Bakar.

My laptop is toast. Yep, brand spanking new barely one month old lappie is toast.

It's over at low yatt at the moment. -_- Sucks huh? Something wrong with the hardware. Thank god for my 1 year warranty, thus they'll be fixing it up til it works while not costing me anything. Worst comes to worst they'll replace the motherboard which practically lands me with a super brand spanking new unit, again. I'm good with that :)

In the meanwhile, I'll just cozy up with my dad's ancient fujitsu S series lifebook. It ain't too bad. It works and that's what matters I guess.


DayanaAsilah said...

oh my..yeah that kinda sucks! but if you get a super brand new laptop ain't too bad laa...:D btw roti bakar tu sgt comel.haha

boxOFjuice said...

=_= yeap. My roti bakar laptop will be in the "hospital" for 2 weeks. Nyuuu~ n yep2 ze pic of ze toast is cuteness hehehe :D

Aiman Toreq said...

in a trance..
(first time coming across people saying toasts are cute)

then I'm guessing French toast is romantic?

so romantic la gambar French toast tu...
rase cam nak gi date jer ngan French toast tu...

boxOFjuice said...

french toast is romantic?! HAHA xD Heck yeah. Yeah, date em' and eat em' up. nyammmmm