Saturday, June 5, 2010

A Holden attack

It's terrible. I'm having a Holden attack. It's been going on since last Saturday. I've a feeling this has something to do with that particular visit to a friend of mine.

Somehow, just about everything seems pretentious to me. Am not being egotistical about it either. I feel that I'm the most pretentious of all.

I keep obsessing about it. Mulling it over and over, thinking things like 'Do you really mean that?' whenever I say or even, think of anything. I kept thinking how pretentious expletives are. How pretentious italics are. How pretentious the word 'pretentious' itself is. How pretentious a million other things, are.

As I write this, I'm actually pretty sickened by how pretentious this whole post is.

It's like parallel lines. How it goes on and on forever. How in reality, parallel lines don't even exist!

Everything is 'phony'.

For writing this, I'm the biggest phony of all.


i am mai said...

apekah kau? gedik seh. get over it.

boxOFjuice said...

Sgt. Am trying. Depress sewaktu cuti. Biasalah. Kau pun sama ja. Jgn jadi 'pretentious' sama aku.

Ramesh said...

hey. what's holden attack? You know i wanted to find the meaning and googled it and the first search result it holden attack. lol. Is that a word you created?

boxOFjuice said...

Haha. Holden is Holden Caufield. The protagonist of the novel, the catcher in the rye by J.D Salinger.

I just call it a Holden attack because I believe it embodies what I'm feeling. That is, the characterization of Holden Caufield in the novel.