Thursday, August 13, 2009


I just found out that my freak of a brother cycled all the way to Hamilton from Toronto, Canada. Which is approximately 65.8km. Is he not cool? I think he is. Though my mom went, "Gila ke?" I suspect she's just worried that he might get into an accident or something.

(That's his precious racing bike there...)

All this began when my dearest brother become fascinated by the famous cyclist Lance Armstrong. He bought himself a $1000+ racing bike and apparently, started cycling all over the place. I think this is a good hobby for him. He might stop being skinny and have real muscles or something. Haha :P

Due to Abang's mysterious blog disappearance, I took the liberty of blogging this for him. Heee~

Align Center
(He's on top of the world~~~!!!)

(Which he taped while he's on the bike...=__=; Ajaib sungguh tak jatuh.)

P.S: Abang, kerjalah rajin2 di IBM. Jangan asyik naik basikal jerrrr. <---Pesanan yang Mama most probably nak sampaikan kat abang :)

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