Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dancing With Sanity.

She danced across the blues and landed in a puddle of orange. The tangy citrus scent pinched her nose and it made her smile. Splashes of pink burst all around her face making her giggle and topple over. Greens and indigos crept up her arms and intertwined themselves in her hair. A bolt of white and grey struck near her head and she laughed delightedly. Sally rolled over a bed of purple and she crawled towards the yellow fluffs. Aquamarine blew into her face and danced in her eyelashes. It was then, when everything turned black. Sally woke up.

She was all alone in an inky darkness that enveloped her in a tight embrace. Sally opened her mouth and tried to scream. The darkness swallowed everything except for Sally. She could only see her own body. The heavy mass of blackness suddenly lightened and turned hazy. Sally felt herself floating. She tried to scream again before she realized her mouth was no more. Instead a gaping hole shaped in a perfect circle has formed.

Sally kept floating. It was not long before she started crying. To her astonishment, her tears were multicoloured. Every single drop sparkled against the black surrounding. Sally’s tears did not fall, they floated around her like fireflies. When she reached out to her tears they scatter. Helpless she watched them fade away. A faint hissing noise started to echo, reverberating, as if bouncing against a metal container. The hiss started to multiply, it turned into a din that hurt Sally’s ears.

Scrunching her eyes shut and clamping her ears with her hands Sally curled into a ball. Folding into herself, the noise started to grew faint. Until, it was abruptly dead quiet. Sally opened her eyes only to be blinded by a whiteness that had replaced the cold dark. As her sight readjusted Sally saw the familiar flower field beneath her. The sea of colourful flowers seemed oddly frozen. Cold even. It was then that Sally realized that she had not been flying. No. She was falling. Sally smiled and closed her eyes. This time, peacefully. It was time.


Aiman Toreq said...

is this like them part 1, 2 and 3 stories?

boxOFjuice said...

Nah. It's nothing. Plain ol' rubbish. :)

i am mai said...

sequel then?

boxOFjuice said...

It's done. Dreams, Reality and of course, ultimately, Death.